emIDE is a free and full-featured IDE (Integrated Development Environment) integrating all features needed for developing and testing professional embedded applications.
Features you can expect follow. An intuitively designed user interface which is not based on Eclipse. An editor which supports syntax highlighting and code completion, typically known only to commercial IDEs. Cross-platform compatibility, support available for ARM/Cortex, PIC32 (MIPS) and Renesas RX targets. Integrated support for the widely popular J-Link/J-Trace line of debug/trace probes to permit direct download and debug of your application in RAM or even Flash, while taking advantage of the embedded industries fastest Flashloaders available. It is also possible to set an unlimited number of breakpoints even when debugging in Flash. emIDE does not limit you to the few hardware breakpoints typically extended by the chosen hardware. All windows within the editor may float or be docked to your desired position, so to fit your aesthetic and work style.
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